
I Love the Smell of Progress in the Morning

About six weeks ago, I had a wee rant – well, it wasn’t that wee, actually. As rents go, it was a pretty good one. I’d arrived at my local grocery store to find it significantly altered in the name of theft prevention, alterations which erected a number of barriers to accessibility. There was a gate consisting of two bars, the previous two accessible checkout lanes looked like they had been reduced to one, the new self checkout area was hopelessly crowded with people and there was a chain across the only empty checkout lane. Basically, I couldn’t get into the store.

Every time I went to my local Metro after that, I felt unwelcome. I thought about it for while and then I decided that posting this rant was not enough. I wrote a letter, enclosed a copy of my post and sent it to the VP of Operations in Ontario, asking if Metro didn’t want my business anymore. Shortly after that, I got a call from another VP named Peter who is responsible for this particular store.

Peter was concerned. Very concerned. We had a long talk about legislative requirements, the reality of accessibility, the high number of people with disabilities in this neighbourhood (most of whom shop at Metro), theft prevention, human rights and optics that encourage shoppers to return. And then Peter committed to making a number of changes, namely the following:

  • The bars on the gate would be put down during the day and back up again at 9 PM.
  • The clerk responsible for the self checkout area would be instructed to keep a sharp eye out for customers with mobility issues, leaping to assist them with the gate as soon as they entered the store.
  • The two accessible checkout lanes – there are still two, the second one wasn’t marked – would be clearly marked and one of them would be staffed at all times.
  • The pinpads for debit cards would be placed at an accessible height in the two accessible lanes.
Peter asked for a bit of time to implement the changes, after which he would meet me at the store to get a better idea of what it’s like to be a customer with a disability. That meeting took place last week and we were joined by Chris, the Manager of the store.

And guess what? The changes have been made with only a minimum of wobbliness. The accessible lanes are now marked, I have used the pinpads myself a number of times – yay! Independence! – the bars on the gate has mostly been down during the day, although there have been a few hiccups. We discussed it and Chris made a commitment to adding disengaging the bars on the gate to the 7 AM shift. We also talked about how although the width of the gate met Ontario Building Code standards for accessibility – the OBC does not talk specifically about such gates, but acceptable width to allow passage of wheelchairs in general – it was quite narrow for bigger chairs and scooters, so Peter said they would widen it. We did a walkabout in the store, discussed displays that create obstructions in the aisles – which were moved right away – and while were at it, we talked about other accessibility issues, such as produce being too high to reach easily when you’re in a wheelchair. It turns out that produce displays will soon be lowered for aesthetic reasons, which will work well for accessibility, as well. Since then, Chris and I have had a discussion about modifications to some of the accommodations that were implemented, making them even better. As for the gate… it’s still there. It’d be better if it wasn’t, but  in balancing theft prevention and accessibility, I think the compromise is serviceable.

And I am very impressed. The quickness of the response by Peter, his openness to discussing this and willingness to make changes speak well for Metro’s commitment to serve all their customers. Through our discussions, Peter also made it clear that accessibility will be a factor in the future and I recommended they include consulting people with different disabilities in store design and theft prevention strategies.

We also discussed the legislative requirements in the Ontario Building Code falling short of anything that is meaningfully accessible and this is the bigger thing in this. Because the changes Metro made to that store were within the standards for accessibility set out by the OBC. It is well known in the barrier-free field that the OBC’s section on accessible design is woefully inadequate and at minimum 10 years out of date. It takes a while to do consultations and to write the thing and by the time it’s published, life has moved on and that means new technology and mobility aids. I don’t know the specifics of the latest OBC, but back in the days where I worked in the field – which wasn’t that long ago – to deem a building accessible, it basically needed a ramp, an automatic door opener on the front door and accessible washrooms. There was no provisions for what is called a barrier-free path of access – i.e., once you’re inside the building, can you actually use it. It sells businesses short. If the OBC lets you down, leaving you as a business owner with the belief that you have made your business accessible to all your customers and you end up doing something that essentially violates the Ontario Human Rights Code, how are you supposed to know that?

Should businesses be more aware of accessibility? Absolutely. We have an aging population, a big hump of baby boomers moving up to the decrepit stage and it makes sense to incorporate barrier free design in your business. It’s called universal access because if the building is accessible to people with disabilities, it’s pretty much accessible to all, including people carrying boxes, parents with strollers, etc. But we’re back to how are you supposed to know. Your primary source of advice is the OBC and it’s inadequate.

I believe that Metro will now look beyond the OBC, shifting paradigm to one of barrier-free paths within their stores and will take a look at incorporating consultation with people with disabilities, as well as disability training for their staff. Okay, so maybe not quite that far quite yet, but they’ve started down the road and I have hopes they’ll get there. And that is enough to keep me as a customer, enhance my loyalty and prompt me to praise them in public.

This was also a very encouraging experience from an advocacy point of view. Proof that if you speak up, it is possible to facilitate change. There are no guarantees that it will always work in as positive a way as my experience with Metro, but you never know, it just might.

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  1. liz on November 1, 2010 at 3:23 pm

    That is terrific! I am so glad that they responded so well.

  2. Michelle on November 1, 2010 at 3:37 pm


  3. CraftyCripple on November 1, 2010 at 3:50 pm

    I am so impressed with the response to your correspondence.  It gives me more faith in the power of persuasion.  But it does remind me that sometimes people just need to be told that what they are doing is creating difficulties for others.  I have to remind myself of what life was like before I got ill, and remember that it just didn't occur to me what people with health difficulties had to face just to get around.  It is only when we tell people what we need, that we can stand a chance of getting it, because how are they supposed to know when they haven't experienced it.

  4. colleen on November 1, 2010 at 4:05 pm

    Hey, that is terrific!   I love that you, firmly and politely told them all that they were getting it wrong…and they listened!

    If I lived near you, I'd switch to your grocery store, if I could!

  5. fridawrites on November 1, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    Your diplomacy with such difficult situations is admirable.

  6. Trevor on November 1, 2010 at 7:57 pm


  7. AlisonH on November 1, 2010 at 9:52 pm

    Woohoo! Go Lene! Go them!

  8. Gaina on November 1, 2010 at 10:09 pm

    Excellent! If you're not careful they'll be hiring you as an acessability consultant! 😀

  9. Jocelyn on November 1, 2010 at 10:12 pm

    Hooray!  What a great ending to that particular story.  Thanks for sharing it 🙂

  10. Kitten on November 2, 2010 at 4:52 am

    I hope you manage to get this publicized in the business section of the newspaper, or perhaps a business magazine somewhere.  Businesses need to understand that the “standards” aren't enough, and that we're paying attention.

  11. Kathy on November 2, 2010 at 2:45 pm

    Store accessibility is a huge issue.  I have fibromyalgia and am not at the point (yet) where I need a wheelchair in a store or mall …and not sure how I'd manage with one anyways as it would exacerbate my symptoms..but I digress..anyways often stores are so crowded with merchandise racks, I've wondered how people in a wheelchair for example would manage to negotiate their chair around them……and the check out areas in some stores are too high, pin pads impossible to reach, etc…I thought universal access was a law here in Canada?  The other day I was at a Starbucks in my city and I didn't see any other way to get into the store except up a small set of stairs and I wondered…what's someone in a wheelchair supposed to do? 

  12. Diana Troldahl on November 2, 2010 at 5:54 pm

    Woohoo!!! A blueprint on how one person can make huge changes. Well done Lene!!!

  13. Dave Hingsburger on November 2, 2010 at 6:19 pm

    You can't see it but I'm doing my 'happy dance' in my wheelchair here in Birmingham England. Awesome. Awesome. Did I say … awesome! It's important to speak up even when feeling discouraged … things do change, people will change and that's what needs to be remembered. This post is a perfect example of that. This is why you won the recent Blog Award!! fighting the good fight!