
#ChronicChristmas #1: Shop Online

Do your gift shopping online.

Cyber Monday may have been yesterday, but I bet there are still deals to be had. One of the best part of doing your shopping on the Internet is that poking about you normally do anyway is now with a purpose. You’re not procrastinating at all!

Online shopping is God’s gift to people with a chronic illness (okay, so maybe it’s a gift from geeks, but either way it works). You don’t have to leave the house, you don’t have to march through the mall, you don’t have to battle the crowds. You can do it in your PJs and at 3 AM, if you have painsomnia. In that case, it’s also a coping mechanism, wonderfully distracting.

Do you do your shopping in the real world or online?

#ChronicChristmas is an Advent calendar of tips for a sane holiday season with a chronic illness. Check back tomorrow for the next tip.