Blog Articles by Month: January 2016

Photo Friday: Curious Squirrel

This little fellow celebrates a new feature here on The Seated View: Photo Friday! I want to get back to sharing my photos again, and what better time to do so than a week that has been ridiculously busy? Have a wonderful weekend. There will be more words next week. Hopefully.

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Miracle & Catastrophe: Finding a Natural Remedy for GERD and Acid Reflux

Dear Trophic, It’s damn near a miracle. And also a tragedy. But let me start at the beginning. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has always done a number of my stomach, and so has RA meds. It is a particular “blessing” to be hit with a disease that requires strong medications, and a sensitive stomach (the latter…

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How Do You Live Well with Rheumatoid Arthritis when it has a Mortality Risk?

RA has a mortality risk. When it hit the news that Glenn Frey of The Eagles had died from complications of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and other conditions, it was an uncomfortable reminder that this disease with which we live doesn’t just make life pretty challenging, but that it can actually kill us. How do you…

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Five Things I Love about Being a Writer

I spent this past weekend noodling around with words and a great time. So I thought I’d wax rhapsodic about five things that I love being a writer. Living the dream I’ve wanted to be a writer since I knew what one was. After taking a sidetracked into higher education and a “real” day job…

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Techo Calendar: Dreamy Life Book

I have a teensy obsession with office supplies. Staples is my Nirvana — I go there when I’m stressed out and wander the aisles looking at all the wonderful items, all that potential for creating order out of chaos. Folders, files, envelopes, pens, highlighters. And then I arrive at the aisle that contains calendars and…

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TNF inhibitors, such as Enbrel, Humira, and Remicade, appear to cause weight gain and an increase in BMI. Moreover, they seem to specifically cause fat gain in your stomach.

Weight Gain and Biologics: The Battle No One Talks About

Updated May 20, 2021 Several medications for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can lead to weight changes. Steroids is well-known for it, but if you mention Biologics and weight gain, many rheumatologists will tell you there isn’t a link. Many people in the community disagree, saying their lived experience says different and I’m one of them. I…

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Virtual Food Adventures for People with Food Allergies

I spent over 30 years of my life being nauseated. It arrived along with my juvenile arthritis, and stayed put until 10 years ago when I started Biologics. One of the best and incompletely unexpected add-ons to my disease being controlled is a humongous reduction in nausea. An unfortunate and unexpected (likely coincidental?) increase in…

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"I hoped that splints could prevent them from getting worse, as well as deal with the pain in my right thumb" title graphic for The Seated View, beige background with teal stars. A photo of a left-hand with RA joint changes in a splint on the thumb

Ring Splints for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Updated April 23, 2024   “Why don’t you try The Arthritis Society?” Do you remember my experience with a youthful OT when I tried to get splints for some finger deformities? If not, you may want to go read In Which I See an OT and Come up against a Stereotype first. I’ll wait with…

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