
#ChronicChristmas 6: Throw Money at the Problem

Have the holidays become a problem instead of a celebration to you? That’s a sure sign that you need a holiday intervention.

Okay, so is not a full-fledged intervention, but one in which you grab yourself by the scruff of your neck (metaphorically, if not literally), give yourself a shake, and… Throw money at the problem.

As much as you can, buy your way out of whatever feels like work instead of joyful preparation. You can hire people to wrap presents for you. If you’re not averse to a little child labour, enroll your kids in this. They get to make a bit of extra money, you get to sit on the couch and direct, and being co-conspirators in keeping the gifts secret can be a bonding experience.

The same goes for pretty much anything else about holiday preparation. You don’t need to make the food for your Christmas party — there are some very nice elves at the supermarket will do it for you. The in-depth cleaning before everyone comes over? Molly Maid staff will happily put on a Santa hat and do it for you.

If you don’t have the money to hire people, maybe do some bartering with friends. Or take them up on that offer of help they gave you. Give them plenty of notice that you need a hand, though. It’s a nice thing to do.

Who does the cleaning or wrapping or baking doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are well enough to enjoy it with your family. That’s the best gift you can give them. And yourself. #ChronicChristmas is an Advent calendar of tips for a sane holiday season with a chronic illness. Check back tomorrow for the next tip. To see all the posts in the series, click the #ChronicChristmas label below this post.