
The Incredible Pain-Killing Powers of Orgasm

No one talks about how RA affects your sex life. So I will (and have in the past, as well). In my latest article for HealthCentral, I look at the magical painkilling powers of orgasm:

“When you’re managing the crushing fatigue and painful joints that come with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), sex is often one of the first parts of your life to fall by the wayside. It’s yet another thing to do rather than an experience to enjoy. But there’s good reason to find your way back to passion. Not only does physical intimacy help you feel less alone, but research shows that a good orgasm can also ease your pain (in the best possible way).

“There has been real evidence that the endorphin release from orgasm can alleviate migraines and help people to manage chronic pain in general. This is because endorphins block pain while enhancing the parts of our brain responsible for pleasure,” said Logan Levkoff, Ph.D., a sexuality and relationship expert from New York City. But the feel-good train doesn’t stop there! Oxytocin, a bonding hormone that increases when we hug and have orgasms, may also have pain-killing effects, according to a report by researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

So how do you get in the mood and stay there so you can reap these awesome benefits? By addressing your pain and fatigue head on. We’ll show you how:”

Read more about how orgasms can help you manage pain on HealthCentral.


  1. Rick Phillips on July 24, 2019 at 9:07 pm

    I feel better already and I just read the headline. Oh you know us men sometimes, we often fall prey to premature pain killing.

    • Lene Andersen on July 25, 2019 at 10:04 am

      LOL! Thanks for starting my day with a laugh.