
I Tried CBD Oil for Chronic Illness and Pain. This is What Happened

As the war on opioids continues to restrict prescription pain medication, those of us who live with chronic pain are looking for alternatives that will help us to continue living our lives. CBD oil is one option. It has had a profound impact on the pain caused by my rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia and surprisingly, other aspects of my health. Here’s what happened.

My experience with cannabis

My only experience with smoking part to get stoned was that time when the guy who cut my parents’ lawn mentioned that there was a marijuana plant growing on the edge of the lawn and the ravine at the back of the lot. Naturally, my friend Michele and I, plus her then-boyfriend, did a fairly immediate harvest, dried leaves in the oven, and proceeded to smoke it. Michele and I got very giggly right away, her boyfriend didn’t. He told us that that it wasn’t weed after all. That is, it was a weed. Thus, I learned the power of the placebo effect.

Fast forward to 2003 when I first developed fibromyalgia. I had never experienced pain like that, every single tool I had developed over 30+ years to combat pain only made it worse and I was desperate. Someone I knew gave me some weed and it was miraculous. It worked better for my fibromyalgia than any prescription medication I have ever tried, then or since.

I never was able to find a doctor who would sign off on an application to Canada’s medical marijuana program, but that’s a story for another day. Thankfully, last year Canada legalized marijuana, which made everything much easier. This also meant that when I made an appointment at the branch of the Apollo Cannabis Clinic near me, the visit was covered by my provincial health insurance. Six months ago, I had my first appointment.

I tried CBD oil for pain and anxiety

My first appointment was very similar to the first time you’d see any other specialist physician. I filled out forms, had a chat about my history with an equivalent to a nurse practitioner, then saw the doctor. I indicated I was there to mainly treat a couple of things — my pain and PTSD. I was prescribed CBD oil, with instructions to start very low and gradually increased every 3-4 days until I reached the point when it was effective. Then I saw a cannabis educator, who helped me register with a recognized supplier, fill the prescription (not covered, alas), and answered any questions I had.

The doctor had told me that CBD oil works by basically calming down everything and boy, did it ever! I responded so well that six months later, I am still only taking 0.2 mL per day. But before I talk about the effects on my pain, let’s take a look at some of the (to me) unexpected effects:

  • I have had the best sleep I’ve had in years
  • I wake up feeling more rested
  • My asthma improved
  • My PTSD and anxiety symptoms went way down
  • My bladder calmed down so I often sleep through the night without getting up to use the washroom (a very irritating fibro symptom)
  • The acid reflux and general stomach-related nastiness improved
  • My migraines improved

As expected, it also did wonders for my fibromyalgia pain, as well as other pain. How much? Before CBD oil, I took opioids for pain on average 4-5 times a week. In the past six months, I have taken opioids less than 10 times.

Let’s marvel at that for a while, shall we?

There’s more. The first several times I took it, it also helped me concentrate. This made me realize how much I normally flit from task to task — something I believe is associated with fibromyalgia. It’s part of a coping mechanism, as the more I change what I do, the less opportunity my muscles have to seize up. But I think it’s also related to the fibro itself. Everything is always buzzing and overactive, both physically and mentally. Being able to focus and just write — a blog post, an article, chapter — was incredible.

But it wasn’t all roses. I tend to react really strongly to anything that has a calming or sedative effect, whether it be muscle relaxants, narcotic medication, or apparently CBD oil. It builds up in my body, meaning that within 3-4 days, I start getting really foggy and sleepy. I dealt with this by taking the CBD oil every 2-3 days, then not for another couple of days, until my body asked for it again. But it wasn’t ideal. And it also meant that I lost that wonderful ability to concentrate.

Step two: We add THC

In my first appointment, the doctor mentioned that depending on my reaction to CBD oil, we might stay the course, or add a THC-dominant product. He said some people react to CBD by getting very calm (raises hand) and others by becoming more alert, sometimes too alert. Adding one of two different strains of THC could address that. When I went back for my next appointment, I got a prescription for THC Sativa to take during the day, which would help me become more alert, while continuing the other benefits.

And it worked! Taking THC with my breakfast helps clear a big part of my brainfog, which means I’m able to concentrate and be effective. Because of this, I am able to say, write an article in 2-3 hours, rather than spending the whole day (and sometimes more) trying to chase down scattered thoughts. Before going to bed, I take some CBD oil and sleep. More than that, I wake up feeling rested. I still have to back off the CBD oil every five days so, just to get rid of the sleepiness, but that’s become second nature.

What I learned from taking CBD oil

In a lifetime of living with chronic pain from autoimmune arthritis and fibromyalgia, I have learned a very important thing about pain. Namely, that it requires a toolbox of different approaches, each chipping away at multiple facets of the pain. Together, several tools will have a bigger impact than one tool alone.

CBD oil is definitely a top-tier tool for me. Not only has it vastly improved my pain, but it’s also helped with so many other symptoms and effects of my conditions. It has been a huge contributing factor in a better quality of life.

Access to a cannabis specialist very much helped. I was lucky that by the time I got my act together to make the appointment, my government had made it possible to see this person for free. Even without that, though, this is something I would have invested in otherwise. Because better control of your symptoms is an investment in a better life.

Down south — that is, for those of you in the US — things are a bit more complicated. CBD oil is still technically illegal, even though it may not seem so. As well, quality control is highly variable. If you want to try CBD oil, I highly recommend you see a cannabis specialist who can guide you through the process on what product and strain is best for you. Last year, I interviewed a cannabis specialist for RAHealthCentral and I’ll include that below.

Would you like to try CBD oil for your condition? If you have tried it, what’s your experience?


  1. Rick Phillips on January 20, 2020 at 9:25 pm

    No I have not tired CBD, it is just way to suspect here in this world. Any drug sold out of the back a pickup truck seems less a drug and more a way to separate me from my money. I tend to separate myself from my money on my own very all by myself. I will not need some guy named Ed or big Ed, or Red Ed, or Fred, to sell my a potion in a truck with naked lady mud flaps.

    Not that I am against naked ladies in any way of house.

    • Lene Andersen on January 23, 2020 at 9:34 pm

      That’s just smart – the only reason I’m taking it is that it’s regulated and from a reputable dealer.

  2. Kelly Martin on January 24, 2020 at 8:03 pm

    It’s great to hear that you’ve had such a good result from CBD oil and THC. Here in Australia we’re way behind and it’s extremely hard to get it. Hopefully our rules will change so that more people can benefit from CBD oil.

  3. Sarah Emery on January 25, 2020 at 3:17 am

    I can’t imagine living with chronic pain and I’m glad you were are able to find a solution to a better and happier quality of life.

  4. Dreams Abroad on January 25, 2020 at 4:41 pm

    I have really been wondering about CBD oils as I have some back pain. I am so happy that it is helping your arthritis! It is good to live without pain.

  5. Scott DeNicola on January 25, 2020 at 6:43 pm

    I am so glad to hear of your responses to CBD and THC. Hemp and marijuana, in general, get a bad rap yet there is so much that it can do medically, and you are proof positive. I had been using CBD for some time and found many of the same benefits you did. I got a great night’s sleep and had dreams that I actually remembered. I never remember my dreams. As for THC, we are slowly getting legislations here in the states to legalize it but federally it is still against the law. Strange I know. I am hoping we see more legislation soon to legalize it across the entire country. The stigma is so strong around marijuana yet alcohol is freely available everywhere.

  6. Despite Pain on January 26, 2020 at 3:17 am

    Fantastic results for you, Lene. I’m really happy for you. We can get CBD oil here in the UK, but as yet, I haven’t tried it. It’s fairly expensive and so many different types, I guess I wouldn’t know where to start.
    People with MS have been prescribed Sativa for years, but recently they have opened that further for other conditions including chronic pain. However, doctors are still reluctant to prescribe it. So far, I have only heard of private doctors prescribing, as opposed to NHS. It’s all a step forward though. If something can help people, they shouldn’t be denied it.

  7. LuLu B - Calabrisella Mia on January 26, 2020 at 6:11 am

    It’s great that you are now able to get CBD oil more easily and that the initial visit was covered by provincial health insurance! Finding the perfect balance of CBD and THC seems to have really helped you manage your pain!

  8. jerry godinho on January 26, 2020 at 5:42 pm

    Cannabis is legal in Canada and we have legal stores all over the place. Doctors have been prescribing it not only for pain but for many other purpose. The advantage it has is that it is natural and no chemicals are added to it. I have two friends who have fibromyalgia and they have explained the pain to me is brutal. I am so glad CBD oil is helping you deal with the current health issues you are having and especially good sleep.

  9. Smita on January 27, 2020 at 6:49 am

    It’s so great that CBD oil THC have worked so well for you! I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to live with a condition like yours. It’s awesome that you have access to the right specialists for these unlike most other countries.

  10. Smita on January 27, 2020 at 6:50 am

    It’s so great that CBD oil THC have worked so well for you! I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to live with a condition like yours. It’s awesome that you have access to the right specialists for these, unlike most other countries.

  11. Lyosha on January 27, 2020 at 10:37 am

    I am so happy you feel better now! That’s wonderful, it is so good there are ways to improve life. I wish it was legal to help people with many conditions with cbd

  12. Subhashish Roy on January 27, 2020 at 11:20 am

    I recently came across a video which talked about the immense benefit of Cannabis plants on not only relieving pain but also as a prevention from many diseases. Unfortunately this is now banned in our country although it used to be legal till a few decades back. Nice informative post ob benefits of CBD oil.

  13. Britt on January 27, 2020 at 2:22 pm

    I haven’t tried CBD oil myself, but I have heard some incredible things from friends. I know that my one friend relied on it when her son was fighting a brain tumor as it helped him to deal with the pain and side effects of his cancer treatments. It’s great to know that we have a natural alternative that really can help in situations like that, especially when he was already having more than enough chemicals pumped into his little body!

  14. Sonia Seivwright on January 28, 2020 at 6:06 am

    Wow. what a miracle products. I am glad you feel much better now. Hopefully this is a good step to live in less pain.

  15. Luna S on January 28, 2020 at 9:32 am

    I am only 28 but I have a bad back, two of my disks don’t sit where they are supposed to so sometimes I get bad back pains that can cause headaches so I tried out some CDB gummies and they worked like a charm! I’ve seen lotions, lip balms, bath bombs and more with it as well but I haven’t tried them out.

  16. Alexandra on January 28, 2020 at 11:14 am

    I do take CBD oil for pain and it really helps a lot. It is not illegal in all the states in the United States but maybe it isn’t exactly what you are referring to. I got it from a friend who had been taking it for pain and she was able to confirm for me that it helped a lot and so I tried it. At first it also helped me sleep better but now it doesn’t seem to have that affect. I was also hoping it would help with my anxiety and stress but it doesn’t seem to have any affect on those things either. However, it still is worth it because I have had so much pain in my back and legs that I don’t know what the cause is but I also have young children to keep up with and it was getting hard when I hurt so much. So I am happy with what I take, though I’m a little concerned about the THC showing up in a blood test for a job or when I start fostering again. I know it’s legal in Florida but I don’t want to even appear suspicious to anybody.