I Tried CBD Oil for Chronic Illness and Pain. This is What Happened
As the war on opioids continues to restrict prescription pain medication, those of us who live with chronic pain are looking for alternatives that will help us to continue living our lives. CBD oil is one option. It has had a profound impact on the pain caused by my rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia and surprisingly,…
What It’s like Being Institutionalized As a Child Away from Your Parents
When I was 11 years old, I was sent to a rehab hospital on the coast, far away from home. At the time, there were no treatments for juvenile arthritis. Instead, they treated you with physiotherapy, aqua therapy, and occupational therapy. This was the only option in Denmark at the time. My parents had no…
Random 5 at the New Year
How were your holidays? I hope they were fantastically wonderful and that you got to have a lot of rest. Personally, I’m not quite done with sleeping yet, but here we are back in the active part of the calendar yet again. As my thinking processes are still being dragged kicking and screaming into 2018,…
Too Much Work and a Pile of Books
In the past few months, I’ve gotten really good at limiting how much I was doing. This was after I had to take time off for the second time in six months to cater to a body that didn’t like my stress levels. I’ve learned that when you have PTSD, there is a certain level…