
5 Platitudes That Don’t Help Me Live Better With RA

Platitudes do more harm than good when you have RA. A mic drop take down of 5 platitudes and suggestions for what you can say supportive-sounding alternatives.

When people don’t know what to say about your rheumatoid arthritis, they often rely on old adages or platitudes. The problem is, none of these actually help you feel supported and they are hardly ever useful. In this column for HealthCentral, I pick apart five platitudes that don’t help and suggest alternatives:

EVEN THE MOST introverted among us cannot live in total isolation. Whether you interact with others virtually or in person, there comes a time when your rheumatoid arthritis (RA) might come up in conversation. Which is a cue to brace yourself for the onslaught of platitudes. When people don’t know what to say, they rely on old adages that are intended to sound encouraging or comforting, but from the recipient’s (our) point of view, usually are neither. I’m taking a look at the five top platitudes offered up to those of us who live with chronic illness, sharing why they don’t work, and what might sound better.

“Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!”

Depending on how I feel when I hear this, I might either laugh (darkly and derisively) or start foaming at the mouth with rage. Living with RA is very definitely a builder of strength and resilience. However, suggesting that anything short of death is somehow a benefit comes dangerously close to looking for a silver lining with a magnifying glass and coming to the conclusion that I should be grateful for my opportunity to become an emotional superhero. When does it stop? Who decides where the line moves from a test of my fortitude to enough pain and loss that it’ll kill me? None of this is a good option.”

Check out my suggestion for what people can say instead, as well as the four other platitudes in my column for HealthCentral.


1 Comment

  1. Rick Phillips on March 26, 2021 at 8:48 pm

    you bet everything happens for a reason. I bet you can guess what the reason will be when you go out to your car and find the windshield shattered. Just remember everything happens for a reason. Mind over matter? Oh dont mind that I know your thoughts dont matter. Try a new diet? did you hear abut the newest diet? You know the one with no salt, no floor, no fruit, no protein and no fat? it is like the one you brought last year to the family dinner? The one that you took home and no one had any?

    Dumb ass people.