
Worthwhile Endeavours: A Poem about Disability Stigma

Worthwhile Endeavours: A Poem about Disability Stigma. A blsck and whote photo of a man looking towards the camera, the shadow of a hand over his face

Updated November 10, 2021

There is so much stigma surrounding getting disability support. Not only do you have to prove to the syetem that you’re essentially legally dead, but others judge you for not working and treat you with suspision if you dare to enjoy your life. My poem Worthwhile Endeavours is a reaction to this.

For many years, there was a tradition of bloggers posting a poem on February 2 to market the Feast of St. Bridgid/Imbolc/Groundhog Day or well Spring. The idea was a virtual silent poetry reading, sharing your favourites in this form of writing. The first year, I posted Pablo Neruda, the second I sort of forgot – although I’ll argue that this picture is a visual poem, a paean to sunshine in the depths of winter – and last year, it was Thomas Traherne. This year, I’ve decided to post one of my own. Worthwhile Endeavors first appeared in the Borderlines issue of Ascent Aspirations.


Worthwhile Endeavors

I don’t work
well, not for pay anyway
I cannot work (for pay)
I lost my ability to work (for pay) years ago
a disability can do that
mess with your ability to do things

What use am I if I cannot work (for pay)?
in this world, what use are any of us if there’s no employment to go to?

You don’t work (for pay)?
What happened to your spine, your get-up-and-go, your work ethic, your independence, your stamina
What is your excuse, your justification, your
Why do you not participate
why are you sitting at home watching soaps/eating bonbons/collecting a fat government cheque without doing anything for it?
Must be nice

Shall I be grateful, then
Will that make you feel better about your taxes subsidising my existence?
Shall I point to the disability, shall I act crippled?
Would it be okay then,
to not work
(for pay)?

Would that
the cheque?


Worthwhile Endeavours: A Poem anout Disability Stigma. BGreyscale graphic with what looks like a dusting of black powder puffing out from the bottom left corner