Blog Articles About Poetry

Silent Poetry Reading: for Claire

Updated November 10,2021 Every year (more or less) on this day, I participate in the Bloggers Silent Poetry Reading on the Feast of St. Brigid. I’ve never been able to find out how it originated, but went with the flow of what I saw around me, posting poems I liked. I’ve posted an ode to…

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70% Water

A month ago, I had a great idea for the 2011 Silent Poetry Reading, but 4 weeks later, have no idea what it was. So instead, I offer a personal poem in pictures… 70% Water An Exhibit of Photographs by Lene Andersen Oakwood Village Library & Arts Centre 341 Oakwood Avenue February 1-26, 2011 p.s….

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Never Say Never

“Please shoot me,” I said, like an arrogant snot, “if I ever get a Twitter account.” I have a friend – who shall remain nameless to protect their dignity – who regularly sneers at television. Simply doesn’t believe that there can be anything of value, artistic merit or non-trashy on the small screen. We all…

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The Cure

To celebrate the Feast of St. Brigid or Imbolc, the Fifth Annual Blogger (Silent) Poetry Reading is happening all over. Last week, Nairn Galvin left a poem in the comment box on my Grief post and it’s so beautiful and so right that I’m reposting it here (Nairn – if you have a blog, please…

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Worthwhile Endeavours: A Poem about Disability Stigma

Updated November 10, 2021 There is so much stigma surrounding getting disability support. Not only do you have to prove to the syetem that you’re essentially legally dead, but others judge you for not working and treat you with suspision if you dare to enjoy your life. My poem Worthwhile Endeavours is a reaction to…

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Silent Poetry Reading: Thomas Traherne

I’d almost forgotten about the Bloggers’ Silent Poetry Reading that has happened for three years now on the Feast of St. Brigid, but I think I can get in under the wire. This year, I’m going to be posting part of a poem by Thomas Traherne, who entered my life in a completely sneaky and…

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