I had a plan. I was going to start this post with a pithy and pertinent quote, which should be easy to find in Google. Should be a matter of mere minutes until I hit the right link and then we’d be off. Except I have now spent way more time than is reasonable trying…
Just. Fabulous.
According to the astrologer in my local paper, Mercury retrograde means “[it’s time to improve and revise your plans, strategies and dreams.” I’ve noticed they do that now, put a nice spin on what used to be described as a three-week episode of holy hell going on in the spheres of communication and technology. Not…
What I’ll Miss About Summer
This week, Fall seems to have arrived with a certainty, which prompted me to think about what I’ll miss in the next 6-7 months. Being warmBeing in less paimSunshine, strong, clear and bright, not pale and washed outNot wearing socks People walking slowly, with a smile on their face Running errands in the morning before…
Thoughts of History and Hats: My Unlce Poul and Lessons on Nuance
Updated September 5, 2021 For several years, my uncle Poul — my mother’s brother — came to visit once a year. And it’s always fun. He has a seemingly inexhaustible store of really bad jokes…. hang on, here’s my favourite. It’s better told in person, so feel free to spread it around: You ask the innocent victim…
An Interview with Mea McNeil: Seeing Clearly
Some time ago, I spoke to a very interesting woman. The post with the interview is up at healthCentral: ‘”I had to stop cold in order to wake up.” M.E.A. McNeil, author of The First Year – Rheumatoid Arthritis: an Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed speaks of the RA flare that trapped her in…
Don’t Let’s Go to the Dogs Tonight
Before I start with the main post, I’d like to hijack this forum for something important. My dear friend and adopted cousin (perhaps sister, we’re fuzzy on the details) Beth is very sick, fighting her way through a medical establishment that seems determined not to help and bent double under the crippling costs involved when…
Poul & Tink Weekend
My uncle Poul is here for his annual visit – well, we skipped last year due to mor (my mother) being busy healing broken ankles, so this visit is even more special. I hope that when I’m Poul’s age (85), I’ll be half as active and globetrotting. Come to think of it, being half as…
Notes from the Swamp
I’m writing this from the bottom of Lake Ontario. The swampy part. Sounds weird? Allow me to explain… This weekend, the remnants of hurricane Ike came up this way, with cloudy skies and rain and when it wasn’t raining, it was building up to the rain. And then building up some more, saturating the air…
A Beginner’s Guide to Side Effects
My latest post is up on HealthCentral: “The average person farts about 14 times a day. If you are on a medication for RA, you can probably double that.” Which may explain why I’m so damn longwinded? Anyway! The rest of the post is here.