A Tink Christmas
For those of you who are new to my little corner of the world, I need to introduce the Tinks. Three years ago, my sister and brother-in-law created a set of beautiful twins named Morgan and Liam – I blogged about the day they were born here and John (a.k.a. TinkPapa) gave the background of…
A Christmas Wish
Holly is the nicest person I’ve ever met. I don’t remember the first time my friend Andrew introduced me to his new girlfriend – I think it was dinner somewhere – but I remember coming home and when asked by my mother and sister what she was like, I told them about how incredibly nice…
More Than a Little Overwhelmed
> Yesterday, I found out that I had won Best Disability Blog in the Canadian Blog Awards and I am dorky and uncool enough to admit that I am ridiculously excited. Being nominated was a thrill and winning is an even bigger thrill. A couple of weeks ago, I watched Barbara Walters “10 most fascinating…
A little while ago, I ran into (not literally) a woman I know, making her way slowly and painfully and on crutches into the building in which she lives. As she has been using a wheelchair permanently for over a year now, no longer able to walk further than tiny distances requiring only a few…
I Don’t Know Why She Fights It Every Year
Every December, when Steph realizes that’s she’s overcommitted herself with the knitting again, I make her a schedule. Or rather, a Schedule. In this document, I tell her exactly what she knits (and bakes, wraps, etc.) and when in order to get it all done by Dec.25. It’s our Christmas present to each other –…
A Beginners Guide to RA: Being a Chronically Ill Parent
My next post is up at HealthCentral: “Raising children is a challenge at the best of times and adding a chronic disease to the mix ups the ante on the emotional and mental resources required.” You can read the rest here.
In Which I am the Cat Toy of the Universe: A Story of Calamity
Updated December 18, 2022 I once developed a theory of how life works. In this theory, the universe is a cat and we are its toy. It makes perfect sense. You know how there are times where it feels that every time you try to get up, you get knocked down again? Am I the…
Once More with Feeling
I’ve tried, I really have. Done my best, followed all the rules, done what everyone do and while they manage to nourish life and growth, I bring death and destruction. I confess. I have committed serial herbicide. It wasn’t supposed to happen – I don’t mean to. Every time I get a new plant, I…
A Disability Blog?
Thanks to all of you voting, I’ve made it to the second round of the Canadian Blog Awards in the Best Disability Blog category and I’m beyond thrilled (does that make me more dorky?). Last week, I was all humble, saying that it was an honour just to be nominated and it is an honour…
Celebration x3
I used to be a bit of a culture vulture – went to concerts, museums and galleries, the opera and dance (modern, traditional ballet sort of bores me) – and most of the time, I went either with my mother or Ken. It was our “thing” and I have a lot of good memories connected…