Blog Articles About life

Photo Friday: Life is…

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Your Life with RA Is On Sale!

It’s January, a month famous — infamous? — for being full of resolutions and decisions to take charge of your life. My Amazon Bestseller Your Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Tools for Managing Treatment, Side Effects and Pain is your perfect partner in the quest to become empowered and put yourself in the driver’s seat with…

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Life Philosophy on a Mug

I find inspiration in the weirdest places. A display in a card store, an ad on a billboard, the back of a cereal box, books (of course), tattoos, and the list goes on. Images, words, quotes that make me stop and think or lift my spirits. And sometimes, what I see becomes integrated in my…

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In Which I am the Cat Toy of the Universe: A Story of Calamity

Updated December 18, 2022 I once developed a theory of how life works. In this theory, the universe is a cat and we are its toy. It makes perfect sense. You know how there are times where it feels that every time you try to get up, you get knocked down again? Am I the…

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