Blog Articles About Fibro

The Tragedy of Fibro: Truth or Hyperbole

In my last appointment with my rheumatologist, we discussed how most of the pain I have is related not to active RA (thank you, Humira!), but rather RA damage and fibromyalgia. And then she said something that’s stuck in my head since: “That’s the tragedy of Fibro. If someone has RA or lupus, we can…

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5 Tips on Helping a Parent with Chronic Pain or Illness: A Guestpost & Giveaway by Elizabeth M. Cristy

Do I have a treat for you today! A wonderfully informative guest post by Elizabeth M.Christy’s a.k.a. The PotomacFalls Mama on what you can do to help that friend or member of your family who is parenting with a chronic illness. And! A giveaway of her excellent new book Why Does Mommy Hurt? Helping Children…

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Shining a Light

In almost 1400 posts over the last 9 years, I have shared my life here on The Seated View. Many of those posts were about RA, fibromyalgia, chronic pain and disability and my thoughts and feelings about living within a reality that is sometimes difficult, sometimes funny and sometimes just… life. Some posts were explorations…

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A Farewell to Underpants

With a title like that, I should probably hastened to clarify, in case someone out there jumped to conclusions: no, I’m not going commando. The farewell in question relates to a particular model of underpants made by Victoria’s Secret. Or, more accurately, no longer made by Victoria’s Secret. They are a perfectly soft blend of…

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Breaking News: I’m Not Crazy!

Between the damage from the big flare in 2004, as well as acquiring fibromyalgia around the same time, a number of interesting twists have been added to my life, the main one having become ridiculously sensitive. A millimeter’s worth of change can throw me off completely, triggering a cascading fibro flare with all its attendant…

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Giving Thanks

I had a plan. This plan has been in the works for months and was directly related to The Boy and I going to the Toronto Islands with the intention to commit photography (our idea of romance). It never really happened in the Spring and then it got too warm — not for me, The…

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A Matter of Millimeters

I am extremely thenthitive. Perhaps not so much emotionally, but physically? Fuggedaboutit. Decades of RA, especially the wreckage after my 2004 flare, combined with fibromyalgia has made me as sensitive as the girl in Hans Christian Andersen’s The Princess and the Pea. My body works all right within my current parameters, but if you mess…

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Fibro Warrior of the Week (#24)

Thank you very much to Fibro Daily for asking me to be their Fibro Warrior of the Week. . They asked a lot of good questions about living with fibro: “FD: When did you first suspect that something wasn’t right? What happened?Lene: I started noticing something weird in early 2004. I’m used to JA pain,…

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Domino Effect

About 10 days ago, I had a bit of a wonky transfer. The person helping me to get from my bed to the chair put her foot half an inch closer to me than it should have been, blocking my left leg from moving and my left ankle twisted. These things happen. My left leg…

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The Fibro Fairytale

Scene 1: I’ll be going to a meeting where it’s a good idea to look reasonably professional. I’m wearing my fancy new camisole under a sweater, looking as if I’ve actually planned what to wear (I work from home – looking put together is rare). I say goodbye to my attendant and start my breakfast…

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A Rant Revisited

I subscribe to a number of HealthCentral writers and a couple of days ago, got the latest notification that Karen Lee Richards (who writes about fibromyalgia and chronic pain) had written another post. It turns out that it was an alert mentioning that Dr. Oz has a segment about fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome on…

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When my fibromyalgia first appeared in a noticeable way about five years ago, I thought I was losing my mind. Weird words started showing up in my documents, words completely unrelated to what I was writing and I had no idea how they got there. I had typed tiger and what showed up was filing…

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