Blog Articles About Uncategorised

Don’t Worry, You’re Among Friends

Being marginally less pestilent, I have 37 things to do before the Victoria Day long weekend hits (in approximately 4 hours) and have therefore come up with an idea that gets me out of writing something thoughtful and interesting. Today, we’re going to pretend even more than usual that we are hanging out with a…

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Monday was the day for Blogging for CFS/ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrom/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis), as well as Fibromyalgia Awareness Day and I missed it due to being too pooped to come out and play. I’m sure the irony isn’t lost on anyone. Last week, I was so focused on avoiding an injury that I forgot my body…

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There’s A Market for Those?

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Newton’s Law of Stopping

By Tuesday evening, it was evident that I was thisclose to hitting the wall. Said wall being that point where I want to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over my head, lie quietly weeping on something cool or, frequently, the point where my body after days of asking nicely, decides to make…

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A New Chapter

Today marks the first of my new, monthly column/post for It’s a great website community. There is medical information and expertise – very useful (I’m learning new things all the time) and there’s a large and growing community of people who’ve “been there”, living with various diseases and conditions, sharing advice, opinions and stories…

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Walnut Brain

Ever since she was a wee kitten, all whiskers and hair on a tiny frame, Mojo has considered the hallway on my floor to be the most fascinating place, quickly annexing it to officially be part of her domain. For the last 12 years, almost every time I come home, she shoots out the door…

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Angel Wings

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Life Before Death

I’ve been sitting on this one for a while, because it’s about death and that can be hard to read about. But it’s also about life and not just because death is part of life. I saw a link on dooce a little while ago about a project called Life before Death. A German photographer…

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Weekend Water Report

I love my weekends. I guard them with the vigilance of a medieval lord with 11 marriageable daughters and a handsome stable boy. They – the weekends, not the marriageable daughters – are my sanctuary, two days of peace after five of running around. I find my equilibrium again, stop the static buzzing through my…

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Spring! Is here!! I’m sorry, normally I’m not a very exclamation point kinda person, but I’m not quite done yet. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah, that’s better. My friend Leslie has finally relented and started up a blog. She’s frequently funny, often soulful and I love her writing. Please pop by her Spring Chicken and say hello. The…

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The Human the Orchid and the Octopus

It’s no secret that since I was a child, I have worshiped Jacques Cousteau, dreamt of working on the Calypso or if I can’t do that, then spend a few hours in his company, learning at the feet of a master. After his death a decade ago, it became the dream that would never come…

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