Blog Articles About Uncategorised

Make My Day. Again.

My life these days goes something like this: *Day 1: significant snowfall, day spent inside.Day 2: roads and sidewalks eating cleared, snow piled up by curb cuts, unable to leave house.Day 3: run around stocking up on groceries and in general preparing forDay 4: significant snowfall, day spent inside.Repeat from* Today is a day 3,…

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Remember This?

I know. Neither do I.

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After I’d finished Duma Key, I went hunting for reviews to see what other people thought of it and made my way over to the New York Times. There, I found a review by James Campbell – no! Don’t click on that link! Not yet, finish reading this post first. Trust me – there’s a…

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Duma Key

Some time ago, I likened good horror to good sex. Which means that in the past two weeks while I’ve been reading Stephen King’s latest book Duma Key, I’ve been having the shag of my life. Edgar Freemantle is a wounded man, both physically and emotionally. A horrific jobsite accident has left him one armed,…

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Snowy Round Things

I sense a theme developing…

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A Smattering of Reality Shows

A little while ago, Allyson left a comment inquiring about when I was not going to post about reality shows. Well, ask and ye shall receive! One of the reasons I’ve waited this long with this type of post is that I’m not watching a lot of TV these days, including reality shows. After the…

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Thoughts of Pain & What Comes with It

I’ve been thinking about pain lately. Because I can’t do much (still) and there it is, handily settled into my right arm, offering itself up for introspection. Or to be more accurate, I’ve been thinking about pain and stupidity, because there’s been quite a bit of that, too. Pain ripples. It starts out localized in…

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Snow yesterday: 20cmSnow total in February ’08: 80 85cm*Average snowfall in the entire month of February: 28cm.Snow to date this winter: 148 160cm* (to compare: I am 155cm/5’1″. Much shorter when sitting down)Sob. * corrected based on this

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Make My Day

In my almost 3 years of blogging (wow, has it really been three years?), I’ve never been meme’d. Until now, when both Carrie and Helen told me that I Made Their Day and now it’s my turn. Naturally, being me, I have been twisting myself into a pretzel about having to choose only 10 blogs…

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Dear Winter

Dear Winter, We need to talk. I realize you’re busy with the snow production, as well as the freezing rain and blustery winds, but if you wouldn’t mind taking a break for a moment? Thanks much. You and I have always had a somewhat testy relationship, but I’d like to believe that I’ve learned to…

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The Tech God came over last night to change the battery in my iPod and I am eternally grateful, because for every four hours of charge time, it gave me 2 1/2 hours of play and who can read books like that? So, after he’s finished his dinner, he gets out the tools and starts…

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