Blog Articles About Uncategorised

Wallowing in Joy

I love Christmas. It’s my favourite holiday and I can’t get enough of it. Which turned out to be a good thing. We always congregate at my mother’s on Christmas Eve, but this year, we got a call from the TinkParents early in the day to tell us that they’d had a case of not…

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Glædelig Jul!

I had a plan. I even had a Schedule. Then there’s that thing about how doing something twice makes it tradition and in the past two years, I’ve done a special Christmas post (here and here), so naturally, somewhere in the past three days, I fully intended to write a thoughtful post about the joys…

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St. James in Snow

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That Might Explain It

The first order of business today is the result of last Wednesday’s contest. I got a ton of email, which I always enjoy (note to self: have contests more often!). There were answers, guesses and even made-up songs – Willowtree’s “Ain’t no trout about it” deserves honourable mention and Cindi’s (who may have a blog,…

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More Questions Than Answers

I was talking to friend about euthanasia the other day – yes, I know, we have such uplifting talks ‘round here. We were in wholehearted agreement about the barbarism that is our ability to, when the end is inevitable and filled with suffering, help an animal to a dignified, painless end, but not do the…

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Christmas Contest

Something I saw the other day made me laugh. And prompted thinking about a contest. It’s been a while since we’ve had a contest ‘round here. I briefly considered making A Schedule™ the prize, but am pretty sure it’s too close to the deadline for it to be of any use and then there’s that…

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Out To Sea

I caught a song in the grocery store the other day. You know how it goes – there you are, somewhere between the pickles and the orange juice and the music you’ve so far largely ignored (due to the abominable selection) changes at first imperceptibly and then somehow, you find yourself humming without quite realizing…

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Shoji Shadows

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I Oughta Be Ashamed

Three things have happened this week that have caused behaviour best described as unseemly, quite possibly shameful and which has significantly set back my personal growth. Thing #1: It may be somewhat of an understatement to say that I’m slightly competitive. I try – oh, lord, do I try – to control it, especially when…

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Dancing Fool

I’ve loved to dance for as long as I can remember. When I was little, I’d dance on the Maslagan, disappearing into movement, convinced I was as graceful as the ballerinas I’d watch on TV with my mother and for a while, I alternated future career goals between dancer and fire fighter. That is, until…

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The Tinks Are Two!

When I was little, one of my favourite things to do was mini vacations at my grandparents’. They still lived in the same small-town, in the same apartment where my mother grew up and more than anything else, this is where I connected to my family history. The relatives on my father’s side were more…

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A Note on Calendars

There’s a wee calendar over at the shop. Twelve of my favourite photos in a spiralbound wall calendar. Have a peek and feel free to tell me off in the comments for not selecting the ones you would have chosen! Putting the calendar together was a surprisingly lengthy process, although highly enjoyable. Only minor clumps…

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