Blog Articles About Uncategorised


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I’ve just made a new friend, who also has chronic pain and during a discussion of pain management techniques, I held forth with great confidence and rather alarming (and likely annoying) length about how important it is to ‘listen to your body’, ‘work within your limits’, ‘save energy for the next day’ and I believe…

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Meteor Cloud

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Defending Tom

At the end of last week, I saw a reference to the Scientology training video with Tom Cruise that apparently has everybody snickering and commenting on “Mr. Looney Tunes”‘ latest exhibition of strange behaviour. So I hunted it down on Defamer and settled in to watch, prepared to witness the weirdness that is Tom these…

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Change of Plans

I wrote a post last night. Suspected it was one characterized by some rambling idiocy, but nevermind – I write posts like that all the time, right? However, this morning, in the bright light of day, the post revealed itself to be a) rambling idiocy; and b) rambling idiocy without a point. So it’s been…

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My brilliant pharmacist, who agreed to appear on the blog (given that this photo turned out surprisingly well) in return for free advertising (the blackmailer!). Main Drug Mart. Go there. Happy now, Hanna?

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From Sex Object to the Fourth Plinth

This week’s been beautiful in Toronto. Positively spring-like for a day or two and I was wandering down the street, most decidedly not wearing a jacket and whistling this song (which has been in my head for weeks now. Weeks) when I caught a man giving me an appreciative once-over in the chestal area. Which…

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Won’t You Be My Neighbour

I know a woman who is a relatively recent immigrant to Canada from Kenya. Last week, after the horrible events following the election there, I asked her how her family was, if anyone she knew had been affected by the unrest. Thankfully, most of her family are living far from the affected areas, although she…

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Winter Wonderland

Last week, there was a day of snow that looked like it does in the movies. Or a Jacquie Lawson card. You know the scene – the village is quiet, warm golden light spills out of the windows in old houses with thatched roofs, decorations are everywhere. You hear the occasional hoot of an owl…

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I Don’t Wanna

I don’t wanna. I’m not done. There hasn’t been nearly enough sloth or lollygagging over the holidays, the quantity of sitting and drooling has been shockingly low and Tuesday evening, when I started writing a list of things I had to do this week and realized it made me want to cry…. Well. The break…

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New Year’s Wish

I rarely post photos otehr than my own here, but on my new obsession (feeling down? Cranky? Upset? Go through 10 pages of “kitteh” pics and you’ll laugh you way out of your bad mood), I found one that eloquently says everything about my hopes for this year. Follow the kitteh.

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It’s All Gravy: Thoughts on a Small Life

Updated December 20, 2022 There is no happiness. There is only moments of happiness – Portuguese saying (allegedly) For most of my life, the transition to a new year has been hard. Caught up in the hype of endings and beginnings, I’d invariably find fault with my life, usually some variant of waiting for my…

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