Blog Articles About Uncategorised

Whoa, Nellie!

When I first started this blog, the thrill of seeing my words on a web page was enough to make me a little woozy – hey, being public is close to being published, innit? Then my friends and family commented and that was very exciting. I mean, some of them even read it every day!…

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Another World

This weekend, we marked the lovely Michele’s birthday and since the Andersen family firmly believes in the adage that “more is better”, we added an early celebration of the birthdays of her equally charming children, Jason and Scott. After a not entirely nutritious dinner, we saw Cavalia. Supposedly, in a nutshell, Cavalia is a show…

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I’ve Got Issues

We all know that reality shows are a scourge upon the earth and have no redeeming social value whatsoever. We should be reading Shakespeare instead! Saving kittens from wells! Single-handedly achieving world peace and ending hunger! Now that we got that out of the way, can we talk about American Idol? Not the contestants, although…

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The Idiocy Continues

This morning, the day after the 8th (or was it 9th?) Smog Day of the year (on MAY 10! Can we all get behind this real quick, please?), I naturally opened my windows. I’ve spent the entire winter with my windows closed (most of the time because they were frozen shut – I love living…

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Pride Goeth

If you noticed a dark, sulphurous cloud hovering over downtown Toronto last night, that was me using a lot of colourful words in at least two languages. You don’t get to be this pleased with yourself without walking up Nemesis, who’ll arrive swiftly and smack you down for your effrontery. That malware I had? I…

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Forewarned is forearmed

This blog will have cat content. With pictures. I share my home with a cat of large personality (and an equally large amount of fur). Her job is to be cute, she’s good at it and I have a digital camera. I suspect this may prove to be an annoying combination. Introducing Mojo, here seen…

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Today, on the way to lunch, I was stopped in my tracks by… well, spring. The sky was a clear blue and the finally-warm sun filtered through tiny, new leaves, so lightly and intensely green. Every year, this moment makes my stomach go ‘woosh’.

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About a week ago, I picked up something in my travels on the net.  Not the kind of thing you want to pick up, like the winning lottery numbers, the email address of an old friend or the meaning of life found on an obscure website from outer Mongolia (do they have internet access in…

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It’s Here

Part of me wonders if I got this blog just so I can relentlessly and obsessively share the pictures from my new digital camera with the ENTIRE WORLD. I love technology.

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What am I doing?

I’ve been thinking about a blog for some time, but – uncharacteristically – wasn’t sure I had much to say. Or maybe it was the public nature of it all. A blog was very “Look At Me!”, wasn’t it? Then I remembered that although I may be shy, I’ve never been bashful about expressing my…

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