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A Delicate Blossom of Womanhood

Back in my not-nearly-misspent-enough youth, when I was in erm… gymnasiet (which is sort of highschool, except more – it’s a three-year program, you go there if your career plans include going to university, what’d you call it? And yes, I know I keep asking that question)… Anyway, several of my teachers had conspired to…

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Through Sick & Sin

Sometime this week or next and 25 years ago, Michele and I met for the first time. I’d been in Canada about three months, knew no one except my parents, sister and dog and had discovered that being good at English in Denmark was much, much different than understanding university lectures in courses I’d never…

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Tink Fest

This weekend, we did the (somewhat delayed) family celebration of my birthday, attended by… well, family-type people. Based on the pictures I took, it appears that I was trying to document every single minute of the four-hour event in still photography. Most of The Tinks, but some of the rest of the crowd. As I…

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They’re at it again. This time her name is not Ashley, but Katie and she lives in England, not Seattle. Kay over at The Gimp Parade has written a rather brilliant post about it and I’m not going to say much about the case, because I’ve already said it all and more than once. I…

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Freedom To Shut Up

OK, so I’m getting political again. Ranty, even It all started Sunday evening after watching Brothers and Sisters (which, by the way, is shaping up to be one of the best shows on television) when mor and I had our post-show debriefing. When said debriefing turned to exclamations of delight about Sally Field, I remembered…

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Thanksgiving in Toronto

It was the last long weekend before winter hits, now no lazy holiday Mondays until Christmas, nothing but fall and rain and cold. As behooves a transitional holiday, it wasn’t quite sure which way of the fence it was on and so, we got a little bit of both. Some fall fogShadows of dying leaves…

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And speaking of addiction… When it comes to books, I have a small problem. Teeny, really. Hardly worth mentioning. I like to have a stash. The knitters among you will know what I mean. That jittering anxiety in the back of your mind that someday, there could be a yarn shortage and therefore, you have…

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5 Years

Five years ago today, I quit smoking. Well, to be honest, it was the second time I’d quit. Or the 187th, depending on your point of view. The first time I quit, it lasted four years. I blame my sister – she started sneaking cigarettes when she was out and the smell of smoke on…

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Still Summer

Cat basking in the sun Ripples and flip-flops Mor, sprung, home and out in the neighbourhood Sun shining through leaves (I’m going to miss that so much) Selfportrait (that’s my shadow, I was born n the Year of the Tiger… get it? Eh? Oh, I slay me…) Have you ever seen a sky so blue?

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I want winds from the north, I want bluster and brrr. I want to wear a sweater, to feel my toes icy cold once more, to yearn for a thick bean soup, so see my breath hang frozen in the air for a moment as I exhale. I know. I’m insane. It’s been only two…

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Wall & Shadow

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