Blog Articles About Uncategorised

One of These Things is Not Like the Others

Picture this: I’m at a corner at the start of a quick run for groceries. The opposite light turns red and several cars, a van and a large firetruck stop in front of the crosswalk and I start to move across the street. Halfway – exactly halfway – the chair stops. Not the “clunk, one…

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Nature Sculpts

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A Rant in the Key of Big Brother

We’re about midway through the eighth season of Big Brother – yes, today is about a reality show, but be patient, there is a major rant coming – and for the first time in nearly 8 years of faithful obsession to the awful brilliance that is BB, I’m considering dumping the show. The remaining contestants…

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Meant To Be?

“… may your god go with you” – Dave Allen Last week’s walk on the edge of controversy and the resulting comments were so much fun that I’ve decided to dive into another usually taboo topic. Politics? Nah, makes me too angry. I know! Let’s talk about religion! But before I move on, I feel…

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19th Century Garden

An oasis of calm in the middle of the city…

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Last Minute Musings

I forgot what day it was, what with the Harry Pottering and… well, really, only with the Harry Pottering. I’m in the middle of chapter 31 and since about the mid-20s, I’ve had an overwhelming urge to go read something else for a couple of weeks, which is what I do when I love a…

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Bon Appetit

The other day Michele and I had a lengthy discussion about cannibalism. As you do. (what? Don’t you??) It all started when one of us made a joke regarding the difference between cats and dogs – when their owner dies, dogs will sit howling next to the body, pining and wasting away. Cats will eat…

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Participatory Democracy

I’m a little busy. Hardly any time for blogging. Or anything else, come to think of it. It all started sometime around last weekend when I decided that I needed a bit of a break. Less running around and much more time spent in the park, reading. Given that The Book was released this Saturday…

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I used to go to a lot of concerts when I was younger and thanks to several years of being a chaperone/companion for my sister during her early adolescence and later heavy metal phase, I’ve been the (sometimes) lucky recipient of a varied musical exposure. Sinead O’Connor, Juluka, John Mellencamp (my choices) have been mixed…

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Big Round Things

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On the Other Hand

So there I was the other night, whingeing. Muttering about the busy, the endless lists and errands and to-ing and fro-ing and how I run around madly all day, collapse and sleep like the dead for an hour or so for my Mandatory Rest Period and then most days, up and at ‘em again until…

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