Blog Articles About Uncategorised

And Now for Something Completely Different

I am going to be away for this week. Ish. Maybe less, maybe more. The interior of my building is being painted and as paint fumes cause my lungs to shut down (love that asthma), I have to leave. I should be back towards the end of the week, I fervently hope. Posting will be…

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Consider My Mind Blown

Earlier this week, when I was writing Tuesday’s post, something really strange happened. I’m sitting at the computer, headset on, dictating to Dragon (and correcting Dragon, as it was having a particularly persnickety day), writing a new variation of an old post. Let’s be honest here – this thing about looking at what I have,…

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Making Good Things Happen

Writing it down, putting it out there always helps. It’s like some sort of psychic kick in the arse. Thanks for reading, making nice comments and all the cyberhugs. I remembered something this Saturday. Something that I’d forgotten. I remembered that happiness is hard work, that it takes daily effort and practice to be positive….

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Displays of Affection

I’ve been actively not writing something for a while, but am starting to feel like it’s showing. Or maybe it’s not. Maybe it’s just me who can see the elephant in the room (it’s pink with orange polkadots, by the way – hard to miss from where I’m sitting). So I’m going to get it…

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Somewhat blurry, but I’ve been chasing this shot all summer (click for larger version). It’s time to let go of the quest for perfection and move on – I’m hoping the obsession will pass if I post it. p.s. Thanks to all who were in high dudgeon on my behalf in the last post. To…

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This weekend, I was on the street, minding my own business and waiting for the light to change. It was a bit of a long weight, but the weather was quite nice, so it didn’t really matter. Someone approaches the corner from behind me and the following exchange takes place: Stranger: Enjoying the view, dear?…

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The New Season – Reality

This year, I had every intention of cutting down on the amount of television watching being done around here. Of course, I say that at the end of every summer, after months spent only turning on the TV for Big Brother and the occasional movie. Then once the new season starts, I get sucked into…

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As Bilingual As Baltimore

Not too long ago, I was replying to an email sent by a friend. She had asked me whether the Tinks were going to be bilingual and I explained that as both Janne and I are generally a little rusty in the Danish department (mor is way better), we’d do our best to help them…

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A Link and Some Muzak

The whirlwind Poul visit is almost at an end and we’ve been cracking up the quality time. Which means that when I’m not spending time with family, I’m running around like a decapitated fowl, trying to catch up with the rest of my life. Much to my chagrin, there hasn’t been much blog-writing – words…

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The Woman Inside: Self Image and Disability

Updated May 2, 2021 Self-image is a funny thing. How many of us see our ourselves with any degree of objectivity and/or accuracy? Usually, it’s manifested along the lines of a body image that just never measures up — when will we learn that it’s not normal to look like a stick? — but every…

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Not a lot of words today, but to keep you entertained, a few pictures triggered by John’s comment on Monday. As he mentioned, my uncle (or yes, morbror) Poul is highly entertaining. He’s lived all over the world, is a bottomless fount of interesting stories and bad (but funny) jokes and he has several signature…

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Something for Everyone

The Obsession is nearly over and this week saw such monumental moves that I have to discuss it again. But first! A photo to keep the hordes who are unaccountably not glued to the TV at Big Brother All-Stars time – if you only knew what you’re missing – from banding together and doing an…

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