Blog Articles About Uncategorised

Reason #547 I Love Living Downtown

On Friday , I was sitting at my desk in front of the open window, enjoying the sounds of early evening – birds, laughing kids, the icecream truck – when I heard the sound of muffled drums. This is not a normal occurrence around here, so I looked out the window. Couldn’t see anything, other…

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Say What?

The first time I tried a voice-activated program to write (dictating instead of typing) was years ago, when Ken – who consistently manages to solve my technological problems before I quite know I have them – gave me a program called VoiceXpress. Learning to use it was a bit of an uphill battle. At the…

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Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

I’ve just finished reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke (also available in paperback). I read the reviews quite a while ago and was looking forward to reading it, although a bit hesitant as it is almost 800 pages (which translates to over 36 hours in audio format) – that’s a big investment…

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And Here We Are, In Heaven: On Seeing Etta James in a Live Performance

The opening act was the Paul James Band and can I just say where have they been all my life? He/they were absolutely fantastic (and, according to the website, available for weddings – I should think about getting married), played for a good 40 minutes and completely made me forget who I was there to…

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It’s Just Me

Remember the episode of ‘Sex and the City’ in which Miranda buys her own apartment? The one where people keep assuming that she’s married and she has to constantly correct them, saying “it’s just me”? Yeah. That one. One of the reasons I love ‘Sex and the City’ is how wonderfully it reflects life as…

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Friendship, Gratitude (And A Bit Of Knit Porn)

Blogging has taught me many things, chief among them how nice people are. I’m pretty sure that people who don’t blog/read blogs don’t quite get it – they tend to get stuck on the “and you’ve never even met this person, but s/he’s your friend??” thing. Come to think of it, that’s the reaction I’ve…

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The Other Team

This post is a multi-purpose one. First, it gets me off the blogging hook relatively easily, as I have a list as long as my arm and entirely too little time in which to be efficient. Second, it panders shamelessly to members of The Other Team (i.e., non-dogpeople) and third… well. It fulfils an obligation…

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By Any Other Name

Lately, a few people who have only been exposed to my name in written form have asked me how on earth that’s pronounced. Don’t feel bad – no one on this side of the pond (OK, outside of Denmark) knows how to do it without a quick tutorial. I once read a book – I’ve…

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Going to the Dogs

Being too busy having fun this weekend to even think about blog entries – I know, how selfish of me – I provide a small photographic essay on on of the activities: Woofstock. Yes, Woofstock. A festival for and about dogs. I have never seen so many dogs in one place at once. The welcome…

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Living with Boys

It’s Friday and I’m ending the week on a light note. My friend Sidney* has two boys, one very much a teenager (Jack) and one on the verge of becoming one (Evan). Which can make telephone conversations with her highly entertaining. Over the past years, I’ve kept a record of things I’ve heard her say…

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A Reminder

One night a couple of weeks ago, I got a call from a hyperventilating mor, telling me to turn on the news rightnowthisveryinstant! Which I naturally did, as I always do what my mother tells me. Well, when it suits me, anyway. The women in my family are very much like cats that way. The…

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I Wish I’d Done That

I have this thing I call a Life List. It contains all the things I want to do before I kick the bucket – not surprisingly, it’s an ever-evolving project. On my list – or rather, my List – are languages I want to learn (Spanish, Zulu, Irish and more), things and places I want…

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