Blog Articles About Uncategorised

Spring Evening

I love the light before dusk descends on long summer evenings. Softer, yet more intense than midday, lending everything a deeper glow. About a week ago, a friend and I were walking down the street. We came upon a small park adjacent to the sidewalk. In the middle of the area was a circle of…

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Soul Patrol!

Well, that was entirely satisfying… When I originally got sucked into the irresistible vortex that is American Idol, it was by accident – I was sick and needed something mindless. I didn’t watch the auditions – they were on 24 hours a day for weeks (or so it seemed) and mostly featured the Tone Deaf,…

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Random Things

Inspired by Mamacate. Victoria Day was spent hanging out with the kidlings. We joke that they don’t really look like siblings, but more like their parents have been cloned – Liam’s clearly a Biggs and there’s no doubt that Morgan takes after the Andersen side of the family. Pictures will be interspersed throughout this post,…

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TV Wrap-Up

It’s that time again. The television season is drawing to a close and I have to say goodbye to favourite companions. Herewith my take on a few. In alphabetical order, in order to not show favouritism. Wouldn’t want their feelings to get hurt, would I now? America’s Next Top Model. My guilty pleasure – you…

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Last Night of the Proms

When I was younger, Danish TV would once a year show The Last Night of the Proms from Royal Albert Hall. I was an absolute fanatic about it. There’d be great music, lots of laughing and everyone in the audience were dressed in period costume. It always seemed like the ultimate party to me and…

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I used to be a rabid Stephen King fan. Absolutely rabid. Which, considering the author’s genre, is really sort of appropriate, don’t you think (cue foaming at the mouth)? I’d read anything by him, eagerly await a new release, buy it the minute the hardcover hit the stores (this being back in the days where…

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“what am I doing with a blog? – me, 1 year ago In the midst of the insanity that was last week, I remembered that it was getting towards my blogiversary and made a mental note to start thinking about what to write for the day. Just thinking, mind you – I knew the day…

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The Blanket

I borrowed a blanket from my mother last week. It was my father’s, bought when he was young and working all over the British Isles. The blanket he bought in Scotland and I am pretty sure it’s the Royal Stewart tartan. It’s wool and large, larger than any other blanket we’ve ever had and there’s…

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Tinks Appearance & Misc Update

For the Tink Freaks™ (we so need t-shirts) out there: TinkPapa will be volunteering this Sunday (May 7) as part of the CHTV telethon to raise money for the McMaster Children’s Hospital. TinkMama and the Tinks will be making an appearance, as well, so the whole family can tell their story. John’s on air between…

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Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition

So, Friday. It had been a bit of a week, but I had paid my bills, finally finished some work (before the deadline! Ok, just before. Almost as ‘just’ as you can get – nervewracking, that was) and was so ready for the weekend. I started things out by getting my hair cut (was resembling…

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I Swear

I sometimes watch Inside the Actor’s Studio. At the end of the interview, the host – a wonderfully fawning James Lipton – gives the guest this questionnaire. I always thought that my answers would depend on a number of factors and likely change with time/mood/etc. Except for the fifth one: “what is your favourite curse…

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Geek Heaven

Sometime last week, I swung by a blog – alas, I have forgotten which by now – and found a link to a test called How Nerdy Are You. Naturally, I couldn’t resist and promptly took it. I am 46% nerd, a number which I was surprised to discover quite disappointed me. It appears that…

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