Blog Articles About Uncategorised


Normally I try to make this blog a positive space – not just as a way to help me practise living in a new way, but let’s face it, I’m not writing these posts to get comments of the type “oh, you’re soooo brave, you have the courage to [insert everyday thing that’s apparently only…

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No Comment

You can find everything at the Antique Market in my neighbourhood.

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The Historian

In the past couple weeks, I have been doing mini-raves of The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova and planned to write a post about it as soon as I finished reading the book. After a month’s reading, I’ve only just finished – I had to read a couple of short stories and a funny mystery in…

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Gratuitous Cuteness

I had a Plan. It was a good Plan. I was going to finish my book and write a post about it. Plan B was to write a chatty post about something fluffy (no, not the cat). And then my life got hijacked by necessary, but very unexciting events, and… well, here I am on…

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Talk about external validation, people! Your comments on Monday’s post were wonderful. I’ve been blushing madly every time another one got posted and am just overwhelmed. I wish I could email all of you individually and thank you for making my day. Unfortunately (as many of you know by now), that’d just wreck various body…

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Only Forward

Before the flame was lit, I had wanted to find ‘something yummy’ with which to knit my bookmark. Time got ahead of me (quelle surprise) and in the end, the yarn chose me. For which I’m grateful. When I first started knitting again, after years of not, my first project was a pair of slouch…

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Cat in the Box

My cat’s abiding love of bags and boxes is legendary. She once made a basket out of a large paperbag and used it as a combined play area, hang out space and safety net for months. I have two cardboard boxes in my apartment because the trauma she experiences when I try to thrown them…

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Random Day

I could claim that today’s rambling miscellany is inspired by Mamacate’s Random Wednesdays and that’d be partly true. On the other hand, it’s also true that although my brain’s percolating on some more thoughtful things, nothing has simmered long enough yet that it’s worthy of you (in case you missed it, that’s blatant sucking up)….

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The Mayor’s Chair

The Market Gallery, at the St. Lawrence Market. Currently the home of a wonderful exhibit of photographic, textile and watercolour exploration of Toronto architecture by my friend Linda Goldman.

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New Loves

Some people say that Valentine’s Day is for lovers, just for celebrating romance. I don’t. A long time ago, I adapted it as a day to celebrate love in a much broader sense – family and friends get cards and chocolate, too. Not only is this helpful during single times (or when dating the occasional…

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My Olympics So Far

The Knitting Olympics, of course… I love casting on. For me, it’s the most immediately magical part of knitting, the complicated moves of needle and yarn creating the start of potential. Which naturally meant I fully intended to cast on myself, instead of getting someone else to do it. Until 18 hours before Knitting Olympic…

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February Happies

The antibiotics seemed to have started working around Tuesday – after a week, mind you – which is when I got up enough energy to do some paperwork I’d been avoiding with rather spectacular dilligence. Amazing how many things accumulate if you turn your back for a second. Okay, so it was more are like…

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