Blog Articles About Uncategorised


There is a block of cement in my head. Throbbing cement. Any minute now, my eyes are going to pop out of their sockets with enough force to smash into the livingroom wall and explode on impact. Too graphic? So sorry. I’m battling a sinus infection and so far, the blasted thing is hard to…

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A Blogger’s (Silent) Poetry Reading

Via Grace’s Poppies (through Stephanie), this lovely idea calls for posting a favourite poem to mark February 2, a day of many celebrations. One of my favourites is Imbolc (Creating Textiles found this link to a fantastic explanation of the festival). The first time I heard a part of this poem was in the Movie…

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Sequins and Spandex

The best bit of television these days is Dancing with the Stars. B (and C and D) list celebrities are paired with professional ballroom dancers and the results are astoundingly entertaining. It’s cheesy, it’s funny – both almost-intentionally and not – it’s got great dancing and horrible dancing and it is the perfect cure for…

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Past the Gateway

Some people can be social smokers, some people can’t. When I quit 2 ½ years ago, I knew it was forever. That I could never as much as have one more drag, because… well, here’s a hint. Although I generally am not much affected by cigarette smoke when I pass a smoker on the street,…

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Asking for Trouble

I stopped knitting a while ago when my hands and shoulders couldn’t take it anymore. It’s been part of my life since I was a little girl, second nature really. I miss it still, but have found other ways of creating and amusing myself. That is, until Stephanie’s latest brainwave. Sometime last week, we had…

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Still Sputtering

This post was supposed to be about three “disability” movies I’d rented, which deal with things in a pretty positive way. As a sort of antidote to last week’s rant. Then I started watching them. And then I got mad. I’ve had a hard time writing about them. I keep veering off in academic land,…

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And the Winner Is…

Some time ago, I had a contest. At the time, we were doing everything we could to persuade the Tinks to stay inside my sister’s belly for as long as possible and given that I couldn’t actually be there to whisper encouragement on a daily basis, I came up with a plan for karmic bribery….

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My apologies to those of you utterly uninterested in my on-going issues with Angels & Demons. I promise this will be the last post on the matter, but as I’ve just finished it, I thought I’d let you know the final verdict. I’ll keep it short: Alright, so clearly Mr. Brown owns dictionaries and other…

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My Firstborn

Suffering under the double whammy of reticence from spending the first 20 years of my life in Denmark and the next 23 (so far) in Canada – both of which are not exactly known for ebullience in their citizens – I find myself getting all shy about blogging this one. Ever since I knew what…

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Good News Tinks

The Tinks came home just in time to ring in the new year in the proper way, which appears to have a lot in common with their normal M.O.: keeping their parents awake. Despite the sleep deprivation on the part of the adults, all parties are doing well. Liam and Morgan are here seen in…

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New Year’s Non-Resolution

I’ve been thinking a lot about New Year’s lately – how can you not? It’s everywhere: every form of media doing “best of the year” stories and “what’s your resolutions” interviews, restaurants trying to entice you in with three-course meals “and champagne at midnight!”. I find myself reflexively assessing the past year for things that…

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Hopped Up on Christmas Cheer

Yes, I’m still shirking my posting duties… gettin’ by with minimal… revelling in being lazy. And calling it all “sharing”. Herewith some images from Christmas Eve. One of the pair of angels that used to belong to my farmor (father’s mother). Only used once a year. The singing. In Danish. Honestly, it’s not as hard…

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