Blog Articles About internalized ableism

Dismantling Your Inner Ableism to Live Better with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Systemic ableism is ingrained in our society and we internalize those messages. In my new essay for CreakyJoints in Canada, I share tips on how to start dismantling your own internalized ableism to create a much better life with chronic illness: “It was productivity that got me. Or rather, yet another instance of overdoing simply everything…

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Rated PG for Nudity: Diving Deeper Into My Story

Updated September 26. 2024 I’ve been thinking a lot about getting naked lately. Not the regular kind of unclothed – sorry to anyone who’d started drooling and to those of you who covered your eyes, you can read on without trepidation. I’m talking about the kind of naked that shows the real you – or…

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