Blog Articles by Month: May 2014


I have a love-hate relationship with May.  May is the month when the world comes back to life, when it’s 99% sure it won’t snow again for months, when grey and brown makes room for shades of green and when it finally and at last becomes warm enough to take off my socks and set…

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The Tinks, Spring Party and… Frogs?

It’s finally warm enough to send the kids out to the playground, so that means it’s time for the annual Spring party! Seems like a good enough reason to me… It’d been a while since we had a party, so an extra effort needed to be made. That meant party hats. Or rather, party animal…

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A Walk on the Ptui, Part One

This weekend, The Boy and I went to the Leslie Street Spit. Or, as it had been known for a while, The Ptui. Well, what would you call it? This is version have been planned for a while. Ever since we meandered around on the Islands and heard the quackophony, we wanted to find out…

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A Very Special Anniversary Gift

Heaven preserve us from really good doctors… What am I going on about, you ask? Isn’t having a good doctor a good thing? Well, most of the time it is. But sometimes meeting a good doctor who doesn’t know you can lead to situations that can best be described as “interesting.” Those of you who’ve…

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Spring, Sprang, Sprung

Last Thursday, I looked out my window and saw this in the courtyard below A tree! With leaves!! I realized I hadn’t seen such a thing for six months. SIX… MONTHS…! So naturally, I rushed out to take a photo of it. Y’know, to prove it happened. And then I sneezed. Damn nature with all…

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Coming Far, Going Further

A few weeks ago, The Boy and I decided to take a walk down to the lake. This is not earth shattering news — we do it on a fairly regular basis, what with my Sugar Beach obsession and all. What’s new about this story is that once we got there, I suggested doing something…

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Explosions on the Beach

There are three bluewhale carcasses on beaches in Newfoundland and people are worried that they’re going to explode at any minute. I hope someone sets up a WebCam. Every time I see another article or video breathlessly explaining what’s going on inside the whales that makes them expand so and what this means for the…

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