
#ChronicChristmas Day 23: Sing

When is the last time you sang? I mean, really belted one out, disappearing into the music and the feeling, and not caring about the dogs howling in the neighbourhood, and the cracks appearing in your glasses?

OK, so maybe that last part doesn’t happen to everyone. Did I ever mention that my sister has attempted to limit my singing to the shower and Christmas?

I sing anyway.

Singing is good for you. It exercises your lungs, opens up your chest, and fills your heart and soul. What better time to get started then this time of year, when beautiful carols are everywhere? They are contagious, making you a hum along in the grocery store, on the street, and yes, even in the shower.

Yield to the irresistible power of song this season. Don’t just hum along, sing along. You know most of these carols by heart from years of repetition, likely whether you celebrate Christmas or not. They connect us to the spiritual side of this time of year, and it works beautifully no matter what religion you practice.

And don’t just sing by yourself, in the car, or at home. Sing with others. Is there a group of neighbours that go caroling in the last few days before Christmas? Bundle up and join them. Go to church and sing with everyone else in the congregation. If you’re stuck at home, find an album with choral Christmas music — the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is my favourite – crank it, and sing along as loud as you can.

What’s your favourite Christmas carol? This is one of mine.

#ChronicChristmas is an Advent calendar of tips for a sane holiday season with a chronic illness. Check back tomorrow for the next tip. To see all the posts in the series, click the #ChronicChristmas label below this post.


  1. Rose on December 23, 2015 at 5:30 pm

    So sorry I haven't commented in a long time. Love this series! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  2. Susan Burns on December 24, 2015 at 8:21 pm

    Thanks for doing this series. I've really enjoyed your posts. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!