Blog Articles by Month: July 2020

Can the Mediterranean Diet Help Your RA? A Famer’s Market Tour with The Arthritis Dietitian

  Could your rheumatoid arthritis (RA) respond to diet? The research jury is out on most except the Mediterranean diet, also called the anti-inflammatory diet. Filled with colorful vegetables, pulses (beans and lentils), and healthy fats, this way of eating isn’t just good for your body, it’s a feast for the eyes, as well. Join…

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What Disability Pride Means to Me

  This month is Disability Pride Month and this year, it’s getting traction! What is it and why is it important? Read my new column on HealthCentral: “I know a lot of women whose rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has affected their hands, and it has taken a social toll. I see them hiding their hands under the…

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Fine-Tune Your Goals and Up-Level Your Impact for Bloggers, Writers, Dreamers, and Chronic Illness Advocates

We become bloggers, writers, and advocates in the hope that our unique message will find an audience, one that will hopefully grow. Some do it as a passionate side thing, others as an equally passionate way to make a living that actually means something. And every single one of us have to figure it all…

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My Body Can Beat Your Weather Radar

Photo credit: David Govoni Every single person I know who has chronic pain response whether. Get any of us together in a room and the conversation will inevitably turn to have the current weather is making us feel. Exactly how this is in which kind of weather makes it worse, can differ from person to…

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I’m Nominated for the #WEGOHealthAwards!

I am beyond thrilled to be nominated in the WEGO Health Awards in two categories — Best in Show: Community and Hilarious Patient Leader. I don’t know who nominated me, but both of these absolutely made my day when I got the news. Thank you to the nominators and thank you to all of you….

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Announcing #ChronicJourneys: My New Talk Show

Getting to know others and hearing their stories is one of my favourite things, ever. There are so many fascinating people who have found ways to live with and around rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and other types of chronic illness and I want to talk to all of them! About how they manage their condition, but…

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