Introducing Lucy
It’s all about the right cat at the right time. I’d expected it’d take longer before I was ready to share my life with another wee furball, but once Janet pointed me in the direction of Petharbor, things accelerated (OK, got a little obsessive – that site’s dangerous. Enter at your own risk). And last…
Staying Safe
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the US (in Canada, it’s in May), so my latest post is about staying safe when you live with physical limitations: “The official stats say that 1 in 5 women and 1 in 33 men have been sexually assaulted at some point in their lives, but that just…
All or Nothing
The new season of Dancing with the Stars has started with what they call “the most talked-about celebrities ever!” and if you’re preparing to click right by this post because dear god, the woman is rabbiting on about reality shows again, please stick around, because DWS is incidental to this post. Much as I’m enjoying…
Forget About the Silly
I want to thank all of you for your comments on Wednesday’s post. They warmed at what is for various reasons a pretty bleak time. I’d like to email you all personally, but my blasted comment system won’t record your emails/URLs (I’m working on changing that, stay tuned), so this will have to do. Thank…
In the Midst of Learning
It’s been the kind of week that makes you crawl gibbering into a corner, rocking as it all finally catches up to you. And then, because you at last stop moving, are no longer barricaded against it all, what you need to know arrives and the learning starts again. Last week, there was a moment…
Book Review: The Postmistress
Me and Audible have a routine. Every Tuesday, I place myself in front of my computer with a cup of tea and half an hour set aside for my weekly treat: perusing the new audio book releases. About a month or so ago, I saw a book called The Postmistress, checked the description, which sounded…
Best Friends
Claire and Janne, when they were about 17. Today is Claire’s birthday. We miss you very much, love.
A Very Special Victim: Why I Stopped Watching Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Updated April 19, 2021 I stopped watching Law & Order: Special Victims Unit a long time ago, after a blogger names Twisty (who alas seems to not be publishing anymore) described it as Law & Order: Mutilated Women’s Unit and just couldn’t get that out of my head. Earlier this week, I happened to see…
In Which We Discover I Am a Total Wuss
Not that we didn’t know this already… I used to like roller coasters, loved the release of tension, sheer terror, sense of being alive that came with a ride on a good one. And then when I was fairly young, my father took me on this old, rickety coaster made of wood (and possibly held…
Pain Thresholds, Gender and More Ranting
A couple of weeks ago, in response to my rant about the medical literature talking about the alleged hyperalgesia (i.e., lower pain thresholds) in people living with RA, Carrie (sorry – forgot the link) asked a very good question. Namely whether it wasn’t a good thing to identify that RA appeared to lower your pain…
Taking the Reins
My new post for MyRACentral is up: “Compliance. Following doctor’s orders. The words make my teeth itch and not just because in addition to rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, I have a chronic case of you’re-not-the-boss-of-me-itis.” The rest is here.
Two Steps Back
Me, two weeks ago: “it’s amazing how much you can get done when you’re trying not to think.” Me, 10 days ago: “I can’t move.” It’s been a bit of a year so far and the upshot of all the death, disease and disaster has been a rather intense level of activity on the work…