Blog Articles About Uncategorised

How to Make Peace with Medication

So I did mention the thing about playing catch up, didn’t I? That includes a post that I’m particularly fond of. One of the things that’s a big struggle when you get diagnosed with a chronic illness is getting used to taking medication: “Getting diagnosed with a chronic condition often means getting one or more…

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The Frantics and Other Fun at Fan Expo

”I don’t normally tell you what to do,” my friend Andrew said (wise man, for sure), “but Fan Expo may be a challenge for a person in a wheelchair.” He then proceeded to tell me about the massive crowds, the lineups, the crowds, and oh, yes, the crowds. He knows me well, knows I hate…

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Ingénue Redux: A Concert with k.d. lang

I did not know that listening to k.d. lang sing Hallelujah was on my life list until last Thursday night at the Sony Centre in Toronto. I’m coming of of a very adventurous weekend. And it all started with a k.d. lang concert. To be honest, I have never been a huge k.d. lang fan….

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The Benefits of Writing with Chronic Illness

Writing helps me in it many different ways. When I’m writing regularly, my dreams are a little less weird. It also helps me organize my thoughts, work out how I feel about things when I’m confused, and it helps me cope with my chronic illnesses. And I’m not the only one — research shows that…

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Don’t Suffer in Silence: Why Talking About Pain is Good for You

Do you talk about your pain or do you keep it to yourself? so many people who live with chronic pain due the latter. And it’s not always a good idea. In my new post for Mango Health, I write about why talking about your pain can be good for you: “It’s not considered polite…

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Finding Hope in a Life of Chronic Illness

There are times where it can be a struggle to find hope when you with a chronic illness. In my new post for Mango Health, I share building blocks to nurturing a sense of hope:“Hope is the thing with feathersThat perches in the soul,And sings the tune without the words,And never stops at all”– Emily…

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4 Techniques to Quit Smoking for Good

One common New Year’s resolution is to quit smoking. If you’ve made a promise to yourself and your family to kick the habit, my new post for Mango Health could be just  what you need to quit and quit for good: “I smoked my first cigarette at 17. It made me feel nauseated, so I’m…

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Building Self-Esteem When Your Body Betrays You

Chronic illness can impact your self-worth. In my new post for Mango Health, I write about how this happens and what you can do to build self-esteem: “Your body is supposed to work with you. More than that, it should do what you want, smoothly and efficiently following the electrical impulses from your brain. It…

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In Which I Face Forward

Mariah Leach has a fantastic feature on her blog. It’s called Facing Forward and in it, people from the chronic illness community tell the stories. I just told mine: Name: Lene Location: Toronto, Canada Diagnoses: Juvenile arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraines Age at Diagnosis: I was 4 when my juvenile arthritis started, but wasn’t diagnosed until I was 9…

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Practicing Self-Care with Chronic Illness

“I’ve always been really bad at taking care of myself. My body might have had opinions about limits, but I was firmly of the belief that transcending them was just a matter of applying some elbow grease and willpower. Perhaps not surprisingly, my body regularly took revenge. I lost track of how many times it…

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Being Sensitive to Scent in a World Full of Fragrance

In my new post for Mango Health, I share what it’s like to be scent-sensitive in as fragranced world and the what you can do to cope: “Today is cleaning day for my neighbor across the hall. As floor cleaner fumes snake their way under my front door, I have an early morning asthma reaction….

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Tips to Stop Pretending and Live Authentically with Chronic Illness

Once a year for Halloween, we dress up and pretend to be someone else. But when you live with a chronic illness, the pretending happens every day, as we tried to act like everything’s better than it is. And it can really mess with your life. This week on RAHealthCentral, I wrote about this pretending…

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