Blog Articles About Uncategorised

Don’t Let the Flu Send You to the ICU

In my new post for Mango Health, I revisit the medical adventure and some of the factors that brought me to the ICU: “In early March, I got the flu. For the first five days, it was pretty miserable, but it was just the flu. And then things got interesting. The influenza went to town…

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Please Endorse Me in the Wegohealth Health Activists Awards!

I’m honoured that members of the community nominated me in the 5th Annual WEGOHealth Health Activist Awards. Being nominated for any award is always special, but when it’s your peeps who do so, it means that much more. I’m nominated in two categories: Health Activist Hero and, believe it or not, Lifetime Achievement. That last…

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Don’t Sleep Your Life Away with Chronic Fatigue

Well, hello brainfog! It’s sort of ironic that a post about being tired was published just of the time when I was pretty tired and subsequently pretty forgetful. Because I forgot to post it here! Anyway! Say hello to my post about chronic fatigue for Mango Health in August. A bit late: “Ah, fatigue. My…

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Among the ELITE

Being recognized is always nice. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t get an extra spring in their step when they’re told they’re doing good stuff. It certainly makes me happy every time I get a comment on email from someone saying they appreciate my writing and my advocacy. I keep every single one of them….

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10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor when Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis

1. What caused my rheumatoid arthritis?  2. How might my rheumatoid arthritis progress, and what is my prognoses? 3. How advanced is my rheumatoid arthritis? If there is already damage to my joints, is there anything I can do to reverse it? 4. If I am diagnosed with one autoimmune disease, does it put me…

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A Walk in the Woods

When we did the Walk to Fight Arthritis in early June, it was a big experience for a number of reasons. One of these was that I’ve always wanted to tromp through the woods in the Don Valley. Doing the Walk did not lend itself to stop and photograph the wondrous surroundings. Recently, The Boy…

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A Medical Adventure

“If I’ve had a heart attack, I’m going to be really pissed.” –          Me, Monday at 3:35 PM Well, wasn’t that something! As such as ventures though, it was one I’d rather not have had, but since it apparently had to happen, the end result was a huge relief. Thought I’d put that in there…

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Summer Flowers

Yesterday, I read an article in the paper in which the Weather Network is quoted as saying the winter weather will continue through the month of March. And I almost cried. As the winter from hell shows no sign of abating, I know I’m not the only one who’s had it with this crap. Herewith…

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Reporting from Inside the Pain

Two weeks ago, I developed an injury in my back and shoulder. I still don’t know what I did, except it probably had something to do with being at the computer for too long for too many days. It was a completely new place with a completely new pain that I’ve never experienced before. It…

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Show Us Your Hands Annual Report: Our Hands Can! Community Stories

To celebrate the first anniversary of Show Us Your Hands! as a non-profit, the Board of Directors is writing a series of blog posts about the past year. Each of us writes about a different topic, relevant to us as individuals, to the organization and to the community. We welcome your comments and hope you’ll…

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Show Us Your Hands! Annual Report: Managing Stress as an Organization and an Individual

To celebrate the first anniversary of Show Us Your Hands! as a non-profit, the Board of Directors is writing a series of blog posts about the past year. Each of us writes about a different topic, relevant to us as individuals, to the organization and to the community. We welcome your comments and hope you’ll…

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Book Review: The 5th Wave

Cassie is 16 years old, and alone. Not the kind of alone teenagers are wont to bask in while feeling tortured. Really alone. In the woods, her only possessions a sleeping bag, a backpack of provisions, with an M-16 and a teddy bear for company. It is so quiet that she can hear “the stars…

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