Blog Articles About Uncategorised


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A Lot of Candle

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Further Embarassing Myself

By the mid-point of last week, I’d reached the stage of doing nothing where I was gripped by the endless sameness of my routine. Facing down years and years of eating breakfast the same way or doing this before doing that in exactly the same, soulsucking, mindnumbing way, I got a little deranged. I snapped….

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One of the things I love about cats is how they’re cute, cuddly and domesticated one minute and the next, you become acutely aware that they’re related to the big ones. Tiger on your couch, indeed. This one’s for one Robin, who told me about the concept of “posting the cat” and another Robin, who…

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Accident Prone

My toilet’s got it in for me. About four years ago, I got in a fight with it and received a hairline fracture in my left knee as my reward. My left leg is the strong one – the workhorse leg around here. It takes most of my weight in transfers and is a rest…

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A friend of mine is in pain today. A sister-friend has lost a sister-friend and there are no words, no acts, nothing that will make things better today. For those who loved Nee-Nee, a full moon to howl at and seek comfort from.

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Empire Falls

I watched the Emmys a couple of weeks ago and when I saw the nominations (and wins) for Empire Falls, I immediately put it on my Must-See List – how can you go wrong with 1) HBO; 2) Paul Newman; 3) Joanne Woodward; and 4) Ed Harris? Based on the Pulitzer Prize winning novel of…

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Bump Watch – 24 Weeks

It’s actually 26 weeks now, but let’s not get too picky here. Also starring Sebastian and Christina. Any guesses on how much a turkey that size would weigh? (oh, c’mon! You didn’t expect me to not make a turkey joke? It is Thanksgiving, after all)

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A Last Hurrah

Yesterday was the last day of summer. Check the date. I’m not kidding. It was 30C (86F), the sun was shining and I made the most of it, lounging in the park, baking my bones, while reading of bones in another context. It was odd – it felt like the middle of summer, yet the…

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I followed Barbara’s suggestion that I pick up a good book while recuperating and… well, ran into some problems. I had a few on the go already, but they were of the “thought and spiritual development required” kind – Man’s Search for Meaning, How To Practice – and that’s just too involved for the times…

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Four Generations

We’re having Danish relatives visiting these days. Above, from the left, is my mother (‘mor’ of the comments), Hanne, her niece/my cousin (via my mother’s sister), Hanne’s daughter Christina and the little guy in the stroller is Christina’s son, Sebastian. Photo taken by Janne at Niagara Falls. And just because he’s one of the cutest…

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