Blog Articles About Uncategorised


When I was a little girl, my uncle Poul used to call me Krudtirøv. It means – very literally translated – gunpowder-in-arse. I moved fast. Still do. For me, Instant gratification isn’t fast enough. I’ve often said that if there’s such a thing as karma and reincarnation, my task in this life is to learn…

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One of Those Days

Yesterday, things were OK at first and then they went spectacularly in the crapper. Well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration – my grandfather used to say “it’s a bad storyteller who can’t improve upon the story”. More or less directly translated from the Danish, so pardon the slight inelegance of the saying. “Det er…

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One Must Suffer for One’s Art

I almost got run over by a car taking this shot. It was worth the danger, I think. Easily one of the coolest hood ornaments I’ve seen in a while.

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Another Big Brother Post

Tonight is the finale of Big Brother 6 – arguably the best Big Brother of the bunch (and sure, if you consider the first season, really not a difficult feat to accomplish, but nonetheless, this one kicked arse). The Fiendship-Sovereignty battle, see-sawing every week, kept me on tenterhooks and thoroughly addicted. There was Kaysar (swoon),…

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I Don’t Make These Things Up

On my birthday, I started the day being given a beautiful bouquet of wildflowers by my morning attendant. Maria’s a wonderfully sweet woman, originally from Mexico, and she accompanied the flowers with a Mexican birthday song. We put the bouquet in a vase and although flowers normally make me wheeze (damned asthma), these didn’t. What…

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A recap of the weekend’s sillier moments… Friday evening, I was watching a movie and suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a red dot dancing on the chair beside me. These are the thoughts that went through my head in rapid succession: 1. I’m having a stroke. 2. No, that looks…

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Bump Watch – 21 Weeks

Holy growth spurt, TinkMama!  

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I’ve always had an affinity for New Orleans. Its history, its culture, its music, its food, its insistence that if we’d remember that life is for living, not just hard work, then maybe we’d all be enjoying the ride a bit more. For 20 years now, I’ve known that some day, I’d go there and…

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That’s Just Ridiculous

Yesterday, at the store, I saw a display of Hallowe’en candy. Hallowe’en candy, I ask you! I’ve just gotten my head around the back-to-school and the fall things and although it prompts some quietly desperate reaction (i.e., loud screaming), I’m OK. Mostly. But HALLOWE’EN??? On September 4?? Before Labour Day? I think there should be…

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Tinks Update

In alphabetical order (and how cool is it that there’s a sufficient number to do it alphabetically?), I’m pleased to give a more detailed introduction to my nephew Liam: and my niece Morgan: I think they have the Andersen cheekbones…  

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There are no words. Sitemeter offers a world view of my blog hits as dots on a map. I enjoy checking where readers are from and wonder who they are, where they live and what they’re like. I’ve had dots along the Gulf coast and been thrilled – I always wanted to visit that area…

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The Adventures of a Birthday Goddess

Well, that term started out years ago as “Birthday Slut”, but I changed it to reflect the obeisance owed The Haver of The Birthday. G’ahead… try it out… be relentlessly self-promoting, imperious and demanding on your birthday. Insist on adoration and acquiescence to all your wishes. It’s a grand feeling. And here’s a little known…

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