Blog Articles About Uncategorised


This is my mormor – my mother’s mother (the cute kid is my sister 20 years ago – she now looks like this). Her name was Søster Karen Christensen and she was the perfect grandmother. She was funny and not afraid to use herself as the punch line. Once, in her mid-eighties, in a checkout…

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Quintessential Summer

I went to the park with a book. It was a gorgeous day – no longer hot as dragon’s breath, but nicely warm. Compared to most of this summer, 30 degrees Celcius (86F) is only warm. In a lot of countries that would be sveltering, but not in Toronto, not this year. I went to…

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Training Humans

As all people who share their homes with cats know, they are in charge. The cats, I mean. I figure I just live here to serve Mojo’s every need, but even so, I sometimes get surprised at just how extensively she has trained me (at times foolishly believing that just because she responds to certain…

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Bump Watch – 18 Weeks

Janne & the Tinks.

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Go, Kaysar!

Please note: the following post can only really be understood by people who watch Big Brother 6.if you do not, don’t bother reading it.In fact, I urge you not to, as you’ll not only be mystified, but likely to mock me in the comments. I’ve watched every Big Brother since its inception. I love the…

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Run, Run Like the Wind!

The cat came home last night, carried into the place like a conquering hero by the Mojo Transportation Team.Here she is, running full speed away from the evil carrier, headed towards the bedroom closet. After a brief stop in the ultimate Safe Place, she came back out and checked over every square centimetre of the…

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In the Wind

After a week of being entirely adult, doing all kinds of things I’d rather not and having Mojo’s stay at the vet’s extended through the weekend, I decided to be decadent and have a No responsibilities Weekend (NRW). Kicked things off nicely on Friday evening by having a lovely dinner with my friend Andrew. Great…

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I Don’t Know How Parents Do It

Yesterday, I sent Mojo to the vet. She went in for some tests (general wellness and senior cat check), to stay overnight and then go under for dental cleaning today. Given that I can’t take her in myself, my mother and Michele brought her in (yes, it takes two adults. One of Mojo’s nicknames is…

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Speaking of Deep

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As you’ve probably figured out by now (being the most brilliant blogreaders in the world. G’ahead – revel in it), I watch reality shows. I used to read romance novels when I was stressed/tired/busy/wanted a mental vacation. After I got bored with that genre (not as quickly as you might think – have you read…

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Dos and Don’ts of a Restorative Weekend

DON’TS: Answer the phone. Get up early. Cook. Think or talk about anything serious. DOS: Hang out with your mother and sister and meander around the St. Lawrence Market, checking out vendors, eating sushi and sausages (alas, no pictures this time). Take pictures of your mother doing the chicken dance next to the smoked and…

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