Blog Articles by Month: April 2019

RA vs OA: This Ain’t Your Grandfather’s Arthritis

Updated August 4, 2020 Ask anyone with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to tell you about their biggest frustration and chances are they’ll mention the misperception that it is similar to osteoarthritis (OA). You know the moment — you explain that you have RA and they say, “oh yes, I know exactly what you mean. My knee…

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10 Things to Try if Wearing a Bra Hurts Because of Rheumatoid Arthritis

I’ve been known to say that RA affects all areas of your life and do I ever mean all areas. Even something as simple as your underwear. Bras can be especially challenging. If you think about it, putting on a bra involves skill of a contortionist and when you have a chronic illness that affects…

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What We Need From Others When We’re in Pain

Image description: rear view of two women sitting on a bench by a harbour. One woman is resting her head on the other’s shoulder. Pain is invisible. Which makes it hard to explain, and difficult for others to understand. I talked to the chronic pain community on Twitter and Facebook and they shared what they…

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Berserker Author with RA: An Interview with Erik Henry Vick

Settle in, my friends, you’re in for a treat! I somehow persuaded Erik Henry Vick, author extraordinaire with RA, to let me interview him. If you’re a regular reader of this website, you know I loved Errant Gods, the first book in his Blood of the Isir series, also featured on my list of books…

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Photo Friday: Life is…

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How to Train Your Rheumatologist in Six Easy Steps

Congratulations on getting yourself a brand-new rheumatologist! Rheumatologists — or rheumies, as they are affectionately known in the community — can add so much value to living with any kind of arthritis. Like any other new relationship, though, you have to get used to each other, and your rheumatologist has to come to understand how…

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Accessibility Wins (and We Meet the Prime Minister)

This past Friday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the federal government is giving Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) $1.34 billion for repairs. And! 20 percent of that is earmarked to improve accessibility. And I got to meet him. But more on that later. The National Housing Strategy and accessibility You have read about the…

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Photo Friday: Mystic

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My Favourite Books That Helped Me Live Better with Chronic Illness

This post may contain affiliate links. I have read voraciously for pleasure since I was a child. Somewhere along the way, I discovered that books can also educate, support, and help you figure out how to live in this world. This can be extra helpful when you live with a chronic illness and are flailing…

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I Am Not a Burden Because of My Chronic Illness

There is no maximum number of ‘asks’ when it comes to needing help from a loved one, so why does it often feel uncomfortable to make yet another request? I explore what it’s like to feel like a burden when you need help and what to do about it in my new article for HealthCentral:…

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